Fetch - An Illustrated Book - Kick Starter Project
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Fetch is the story of where dogs come from. Hollywood VFX Artist and Theme Park Designer team up to bring you one amazing book.
I've written what I think is a marvelous story book adventure about a far off place where dogs roam wild and free, and where one special dog goes above and beyond the rest. It's called Fetch. It's the story of where dogs come from. The words are written, the thumbnail sketches are drawn, the printer has been found, and artwork is underway.

Below is just one of the two page spreads. It's going to look so cool with beautiful illustrations printed on every page!

By day, I'm a Visual Effects Artist for films like Pacific Rim, Pirates of the Caribbean,Tron, I Am Legend, Thor, I,Robot, Transformers II, Ender's Game and King Kong. But I always had a need to tell my own stories. Last year, I launched my first novel for kids to astonishing success on Amazon. Evertaster claimed the Overall Top 100 Best Seller List on the day of its launch.
Since then, the Evertaster series has grown in popularity, with children and adults alike giving rave reviews. Evertaster has gotten so popular it's been picked up by Barnes & Noble, Indy Bookstores, and Costco, to name a few.
I've got 5 books planned for the series. One of those is a novella that just came out in May.
The Project
Now I'd like to try something new. In the tradition of great books like Where the Wild Things Are, I want to tell a story in pictures. I'm not a big publisher, with all the backing of a giant business. I just like to think big and make great books.
In order to make Fetch a reality, I hired artist Edwin Rhemrev to illustrate this faraway canine adventure. You can see his work here:
Edwin's artwork went viral when he made some imaginary concept art for the Incredibles 2. He doesn't work for Pixar, but his work was featured in the Pixar Times, and Slashfilm, just to name a few.

In order to get good art, it's expensive. Edwin is busy designing theme parks and concepts for other clients, but since he loves this project so much, he's excited to work on it! A portion of the funds will be used to complete the rest of the sketches and turn them into beautiful, full-color illustrations.

The rest of the funds will be used to pay for printing the book. Fetch will be standard length for a picture book -- about 32-38 pages. It will be printed in stunning color with a squareback hardcase. Which is printer talk for high-quality picture book. We're using the same high-quality, professional printer that I used for my Evertaster books. In fact, these guys are the same ones who print Where the Wild Things Are and Polar Express! They are extremely economical (cheaper than printing overseas!) and very reliable.
The more money we raise past our goal, the more books we can print and make available.
Fetch describes a far off place where dogs live wild and free. If dogs could do what they want, who would they be?

When one intrepid dog finds the courage to leave the pack and do something truly courageous, he learns something about himself he never expected. He decides that the noblest thing a dog can do is fly.

So he fixes up an airplane and flies beyond the tenth horizon. What he finds there is something neither he nor any other dog ever expected.
Music in the video: Fastest Man on Earth by Jahzzar. Video Filmed by the talented Matt Stumphy. Thank you!
The Funds
Putting together a book like this is a big endeavor. I've been working on this project for a long time now, and I'm passionate about finishing this book. I won't be able to do it without your help. Without you, Fetch couldn't happen. Your contributions will be used for the following:
- Finishing the Illustrations (in Edwin's capable hands!)
- Formatting, laying out, and prepping the book
- Printing the Books (it's going to be top-notch quality!)
- Rewards (very cool ones - for you!)
- Kickstarter fees.
Risks and challengesLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
The main risk we are facing after funding is TIME. Edwin is already working on the artwork. He estimates that it will take 4-6 weeks to complete. After that, there will be formatting, final layout and title design, then print preparation. Luckily, once the printing is funded (by you), the artwork is complete, and the book is sent off to the printer, it will take only take about 4-5 weeks to get the books printed and shipped to us so we can get your copy mailed out to you. If we're lucky, there is the possibility of the books getting the same distribution as the Evertaster books -- which means some Indy Stores, Amazon, B&N. How cool would that be? Something all of us put together -- but only if we reach our goal.
Luckily, I've completed books already, so I know the process and know what it takes to get them finished.
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