
The best way to keep in touch is to become a follower on this blog, follow me on social media, and join my mailing list.

Book Spotlights:

I would love to spotlight your amazing work! 

A Storybook World currently gets around 12K to 20K hits a month. Instead of charging for promo post I ask that you pay it forward to another author, help share my site with your readers, and/or read or share my Inspirational Fantasy or self help books with someone you love. You can find them here: My Amazon page:

For a Spotlight I just need these things: 

1. A picture of your cover. 

2. What you want to say about your book (usually a blurb, endorsements, etc.)

3. Links to your website and where to purchase your book. 

4. Author picture. 

5. About the author write up. 

Family friendly/clean books only! 

A Storybook World is a site for people of all ages which is why I can’t market books that are erotic, contain foul language, excessive gore, or other offensive material.

I promote books that would be considered family friendly and uplifting.

Please email your publicity posts to:

edenliterary AT Gmail .com.

Book Reviews:
I am not taking book reviews at this time, but I am happy to put up a Spotlight for you. 

Guest Post:
I love guest posts and I love to cross-promote.


  1. I am interested in buying all six books in your 'Watchers' series, in paperback, but I see that two of the books are out of print. Will there be another printing in the near future?

    1. All the books are up and available. I just checked with Amazon and they said they accidentally had two of the books linked together. That has now been corrected and all the books are available.

      This is the one people had a hard time finding:
      Book #3 The Watchers, Flood and Fire:

      The International Editions are only available outside the US.
      Are you outside the US?

  2. Hello Deirdra, I apologize for being so late with this comment, but I want to thank you for taking the time to promote my book, Only My Horses Know. I appreciate it so much! I also checked out your book covers, and I love them all. Have a great day, Cinda Bauman :)

    1. You are welcome! I love helping other authors.

  3. Hello Deidra - Thank you so much for featuring me and my new book ‘Tales From A Rogue Ranger in your latest Blog. I tried to post a comment, but the post a comment button is not working.

    1. Hi Rosanne, Thank you! I loved have you as a guest. Yes, I had to disable comments because of the massive amounts of spam.


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