Thursday, October 8, 2015

Magelica's Voyage and The Rescue Book Review

All children's books that A Storybook World reviews are reviewed by my almost 7-year-old then donated to a school library.

Magelica's Voyage and The Rescue came in the mail at a perfect time. Kal'el had really bad day at school with a bully. It brightened his day when he came home to this gift package that you can also get here:

Kal'el put the necklace on right away which is gender neutral jewelry.
As he was reading the book, I watched his expression lighten and he said, "Hey, we have the same magic necklace." He continued reading about Magelica and her magical adventures to the Isle of Dreams. Kal'el loved this book, especially the unique characters and mythology.

Magelica is a fairytale character with green hair and wings. She goes on an incredible journey in a flying bathtub in the first book of the Magelica’s Voyage Trilogy, and in the second book Magelica’s Voyage: The Rescue, she bravely helps rescue a prince stranded on a mysterious island!

What I loved as a parent was the good messages in the books.

The author took the time to write Kal'el and told us a beautiful story about bullies.

She said, "In Magelica’s Voyage we try to help children discover that love is the most powerful feeling of all."

She also wrote, "I hope Magelica inspires your son to discover the magic of life. In Magelica’s Voyage: The Rescue, the prince tells Magelica that there are no coincidences in life and that everything happens for a reason. Hopefully you receiving Magelica’s Voyage today is no coincidence. I hope you and he enjoy the adventure!"

After reading this I became a fan and I knew there was something special about this book because the author is something special herself.

As far as the illustrations go, they are top of the line. The quality is something I would compare to Disney. As an art critic and illustrator myself, this isn't something I say lightly. The illustrations are fabulous.

You can see the book trailer here:

Check out the author's website here:


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