Thank you so much for this incredibly fun opportunity. I answered the reader questions because I felt like I identified more with other readers as a reader than a writer. LOL. Sure sure books are coming, but not for a while and not hardback everyone knows them books - yet LOL, For now, I'm just a crazy word obsessed reader.
Deirdra: What are your favorite kind of books to read and why?
Julie: Ah, I love YA. I read YA almost exclusively because there are so many amazing titles out there and I get everything I need from them. YAs are great because they feature teens who don’t worry about their stinky jobs or how to pay the bills. They aren’t bogged down with ex-husbands or kids. The main characters in YA novels get right to it. They love passionately, jump in feet first, lead with their emotions and make huge messes. Once a significantly enormous mess is made, they rise to the occasion and set it straight, face truths, fight demonic forces, do the impossible all while eluding their curfew and saving the love of their life from certain death. I mean, who wouldn’t love YA?
Deirdra: How many books on average would you say you read a year?
Julie: When I’m in reader mode I rip through a book every day or two, but that ebbs and flows, so to be fair I’ll guess about 70-75 books a year.
Deirdra: What is the most recent book you read? Can you tell us a little about it?
Julie: I just finished another Stephanie Plum novel by Janet Evanovich. I couldn’t believe I missed one, so I gobbled it up this week and right before that I read Lisa Desrocher’s YA novel Original Sin, the follow up to her debut Personal Demons. Both were fabulous!
Stephanie Plum is an educated but out of work Jersey girl who takes a temp-turned perm job as a bounty hunter for her skeevy uncle Vinnie. I laugh my way through every over-the-top escapade and wish the characters were real. These are the best novels ever-ever-ever in my goofy opinion. Love her. In the end she always wreaks havoc on the burg, her Jersey neighborhood, annoys her father, entertains her nutty grandmother and drives her poor mother to drink. Her side kick and former hoe, Lula always solve the crime, catch the criminal and lead Stephanie’s on-again-off-again cop boyfriend Joe Morelli to a vat of antacid.
Original Sin is the continuation of a super complicated love triangle situation. LOL Frannie is a human girl with the power of “sway” that is to swing a soul in the direction of heaven or hell. The demon sent to tag her soul for hell in part one has been swayed right out of demonhood by her love for him and now they are in mutual adoration until that pesky Satan sends some complications their way. The angst and heartache, betrayal and devotion are super heart jerking and I swallowed this book in about 24 hours. Lisa keeps the pages turning. I wanted Frannie and her man to be together against all odds. It was nerve racking waiting to see. So- Loved it.
Deirdra: What is the most disappointing thing authors do?
Julie: Wow. This is where I tip toe around and chew my nails a little. In my honest-to-goodness opinion, I think the worst thing I see authors doing is not interacting with people who tweet them. If they can’t respond to a 140 character tweet, I’m wondering if they return emails? Feeling snubbed is awful. I’ve been there. It stinks. I know everyone’s busy, but acknowledging someone who tries to interact with you is a good use of even the most limited time.
Deirdra: Who are your top five favorite authors?
Julie: Janet Evanovish without a doubt. Then, I’m liking Lauren Kate, Carrie Jones, Maggie Steifvater & newcomer to rock my YA loving socks: Aimee Carter author of The Goddess Test
Deirdra: How do you feel about e-books?
Julie: I love e-books. I think they’re brilliant and fabulous. Every commuter in the world should load up their favorite device with these low cost reads and entertain their brain on the train instead of watching people wish they were somewhere else. I read e-books while I wait for my kids, for my appointments, and when I travel, not to mention anytime I get a free second. It’s so much easier than lugging and tracking actual books and I never have to choose which ones to take because like a thousand all fit in my purse!
Deirdra: If you could give a message to authors what would it be?
Julie: Keep writing. We love to read and want more delicious choices out there. Maybe work time into your day for chatting with readers, or blogging about your life as a writer. The author life is very mysterious and interesting to those of us who hang on your every written word. I had dinner with a few YA authors last month after a book signing and it was the highlight of my week. I even posted pics on Facebook. Authors are a little celeb-like to readers, and we want to know you!
Deirdra: Have you ever thought about writing a book?
Julie: I have. I started writing about two years ago in hopes of publication. I’ve written a ton of not very good stuff, and I’ve written some much better stuff too. In fact, I have three books coming out in 2012 from small publishers. The first two are e-books written for a new line of books at the Turquoise Morning Press. My sweet romance novella, Bloom, will launch the new Honey Creek series in February and my second novella Love Blossoms will come next summer. Also, I contracted a three book series with kNight Romance Publishing. The series is called the Killer Confection Saga and book one, Death by Chocolate will be available in e-book and paperback in August 2012.
Deirdra: What other talents and hobbies do you have?
Julie: I have three small children and I homeschooled the oldest two until this month, so I am proficient in all things craft and/or silly-game related. I can whip out a song and dance to help memorize anything. We even Macarena’d to the months of the year LOL. We also recycle everything into something beautiful or at least something new J I’ve got creativity (read: crazy ideas) coming out my ears.
Deirdra: Where is your favorite place to read?
Julie: Anywhere. Truly. I am never alone with all these kids, so I steal moments all day everyday anytime I can, over the stove making dinner, in the tub, I can even read while singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. My 2 yo daughter falls asleep and I know every word I’ve read *curtsy* Pure talent, right? Moms everywhere probably already know this trick.
Deirdra: Do you have a favorite reading snack?
Julie: Oh boy. I can eat my weight in goldfish crackers while reading. They’re crunchy and plentiful and only take one hand and no eyes to keep ‘em coming. *Perfection* Plus they now come in all kinds of flavors. It’s awesome. Pizza. Smores. *sigh*
Deirdra: What books have made you cry?
Julie: I intentionally avoid books I think might make me cry. I don’t like to cry or be sad. I think life has enough heartbreak and eventually I’ll have to deal with grief and loss and trauma for real. Meanwhile, I choose books that make me smile, laugh, dream or feel empowered. I also avoid the Hallmark and Lifetime channels for this reason. LOL
Deirdra: What books have made you laugh?
Julie: I know. I know. I’ve already said it, but seriously the Evanovich Stephanie Plum novels are so hysterical. I crack a rib laughing every time.
Deirdra: What kind of books are you looking to read next? What is on your reading list?
Julie: On my TBR list:
Smokin Seventeen – Janet Evanovich.
Vanish – Sophie Jordan
Wolfsbane- Andrea Cremer
Silence- Becca Fitzpatrick
Forever- Maggie Stiefvater
Passion – Lauren Kate
And the entire JR Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood series which I’ve missed completely but Twitter peeps and bloggy friends insist are made of awesome. So, I’ve gotta get on those soon.
Deirdra: Is there any other message you would like to give the literary community?
Julie: I would say keep reading. Keep writing.
For readers, keep supporting authors. Your reviews and feedback help their books climb charts and their dreams come true. Imagine what a nice review would do for your heart if you’d written the book and set it free for the world to judge. Authors live for those reviews, so if you love something, tell the world about it. Blog it, list it on Amazon or GoodReads. It means a lot.
Readers need to have endless shelves of awesome to choose from so authors - keep those books coming. Also, if you want to write, don’t let anything stop you from reaching for your dream. No one will do it for you. There’s an incredible network out here for aspiring writers. If you want to write, don’t let anything stop you. It’s a calling and a gift. I wouldn’t trade writing for anything and if you have a question about getting started, I’d love to try to help you – so would everyone else so don’t be afraid to ask!
I can't wait to read Original Sin. It's in my mail box today. Unfortunately, it's going to have to wait a few weeks for me to have a chance to read it.
ReplyDeleteI loved Passion by Kate Lauren. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I'm posting about your query in this post, but I didn't know where else to do it.
Your story sounds very intruiging and I would want more, especially given your list of accomplishments:)
If you are wanting to enter the actual query contest, email me your final draft by 12PM ET Tuesday:) My email is deanabarnhart@gmail.com
Good luck!
I wasn't sure where to post my query feedback, so you have my apologies for doing so here.
ReplyDeleteI think your query is excellent as it is; like Deana, I agree your bio section rocks!
Great interview!! Julie is the bees knees! :)